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When Women Become Invisible

When Women Becomes Invisible Book Cover Redesign


When Women Become Invisible

Victoria Janosevic

Clear Channel Outdoor

Graphic Design

When Women Become Invisible is an autobiography that describes the author’s perspective on what happens to many women when they become middle-aged. As her forties transition to her fifties, Victoria Janosevic notices that she is being progressively overlooked and unnoticed, to the point of eventually feeling invisible. As a woman living in a youth-worshipping culture, she discovers that beauty and perfection are required more than ever, that women of the proverbial certain age are granted a swift and compulsory divorce from mainstream social (and popular) culture, and from relevance.

Originally an out-of-home ad concept for subway panels, the design was based on the original book cover but with an updated look to capture the author’s journey to becoming invisible in a world that continues to turn. From the initial request for art, the client could not provide the cover art for the ad. They leaned on the Clear Channel Outdoor art team to produce the ad, but in the end, the client was able to get the art for the cover that was used instead.


ⓒ Kevin Ordonez 2023